Very excited about the launch of our new monthly 45's night here in Melbourne AND the launch of Sydney's Juke Joints (which may not be a monthly, but hey, it's a start). Both Shan Frenzie and I are super stoked to be pushing the 45's sounds and the fact that I've now teamed up with a good mate and started our own 45's label, Juke Joints Records. You can find us at: and we'll hopefully have a new release by mid-year, hence, me heading up to Sydney to plan it all out.
Anyways, anyone that knows me knows that I'm passionate about 45's, so the fact that venues (I'm looking at you Penny Black, Section 8, SPQR, Cafe Lounge, Ching-A-Lings, Little Mess, etc) and punters actually support guys and girls like us doing this is quite comforting and inspiring. So hopefully, we'll see you down getting down to sounds from the past (and plenty from now considering how many new acts are releasing 45's).
We all know the demise of vinyl was crock of shit, yeah?
Eric OB